Sodium hydroxide
Chemical formula: NaOH + H2O
CAS: 1310-73-2
EINECS: 215-185-5
Product description
Sodium Hydroxide, commonly known as caustic soda, lye, or sodium hydrate, is a caustic compound which attacks organic matter. Caustic soda is available commercially in various white solid forms and as a solutions of various concentrations in water. It is very soluble in water, alcohol, and glycerin and absorbs carbon dioxide and moisture from the air. Sodium hydroxide is prepared by the reaction of sodium carbonate (soda) in concentrated solution form with calcium hydroxide (slaked lime).
Application and use
Sodium hydroxide solution is used in the largest quantity by the organic- and inorganic chemical industries. Large consumers are the paper and cellulose industry, synthetic fibres and viscose-, aluminium industry. Additional significant consumers are soap and detergent production, glass and food industries. It is used for water and waste water treatment and has numerous other uses in addition to the above.
Packing and transport
Sodium hydroxide is delivered in steel, alloyed steel (acid-proof steel) or rubber-lined steel tankers or in 1 m3 plastic tanks, which are appropriate from the aspect of corrosion protection. The majority of tankers are equipped with internal heating coil connected to steam supply. By road and rail it is delivered in packaging devices complying with ADR and RID regulations.
It can be stored in steel tanks (max. up to 55oC). In order to prevent corrosion and contamination with iron a lined steel tank or alloyed steel, nickel or nickel alloy tank shall be applied. To avoid freezing of the caustic soda solution, the storage tanks and pipes shall be equipped with a heating device. It can be stored for an indefinite time under suitable conditions. No expiry date in properly closed container or torage tank.